Difference between Smoke and Regression Testing in Tabular Form
Distinction between Smoke and Regression Testing - Simple Smoke testing Regression testing 1. Smoke testing is a surface level testing to verify/ensure...
Difference between Adhoc and Exploratory Testing
Difference between Adhoc and Exploratory Testing Adhoc Testing Exploratory Testing 1. Adhoc Testing means learn the application than test it. 1. Exploratory...
Difference between Functional and Non Functional Testing
Before us proceeding towards the Difference between Functional and Non Functional Testing it is very important for us to first take a...
Difference between Sanity and Regression Testing
Distinction between Sanity and Regression Testing Sanity Testing Regression Testing 1. Sanity testing is a surface level testing where QA engineer verifies...
What is Random Testing with example?
Random Testing is also confused with Monkey and GorillaTesting but it is obviously different from Monkey Testing and Gorilla Testing. Here I...
Endurance Testing with Example
Endurance Testing is a type of Performance Testing which is usually used to determine how much a system can sustain the continuous...
Difference between System Testing and Integration Testing
Integration Testing When individual software modules are combined and tested as a group than it is Integration Testing and before software people...