Write Test Cases of Pen
Test cases of pen are given below: - But keep one thing in mind that test cases for pen may vary if you...
Write test cases of fan
There are numerous test cases of fan which are given below: Test case 1: Check whether it moves or not. Description: Ensure that fan...
Explain Positive Testing And Negative Testing With Example?
Positive Testing: - When tester test the application from positive point of mind than it is known as positive testing. Testing the...
What is Testing ?
Testingis necessary to increase the quality of the project. Testing is most time consuming, but a crucial activity of a software project....
What Is Look And Feel Testing
Look and feel testing is not a usability testing. The testing of the appearance and GUI aspects of an application is referred...
What is Incremental Testing?
Incremental testing is a way of integration testing in which first you test each module of the software individually then continue testing by...
Why We Use Stubs And Drivers?
Stubs are dummy modules that are always distinguish as "called programs", or you can say that is handle in integration testing (top down...
What Is Functional Testing ?
Functional testing means testing the application against business requirements. Functional testing is executed using the functional specifications given by the client or...